1988.9-1992.6 西北师范大学数学系,获学士学位
1992.9-1995.6 兰州大学数学系,获理学硕士学位
2000.9-2003.12 兰州大学生命科学学院,获生态学博士学位
1995.6-2008.4 兰州大学,先后任讲师、副教授,
2008.5至今 兰州大学生命科学学院,教授,博导
2003.12-2006.2 北京师范大学生命科学学院,博士后
2006.11-2007.10 英国牛津大学植物系,合作研究
1.Shu-Rong Zhou, Da-Yong Zhang. 2008. A nearly neutral model of biodiversity. Ecology 89:248-258.
2 . C.Z. Liu, S. R. Zhou, L. Yan and F.N. Huang. 2007. Competition among the adults of three grasshoppers (Orthop., Acrididae) on an alpine grassland. J. Apl. Entomol 131:153-159.
3. Shu-Rong Zhou, Da-Yong Zhang. 2006. Allee effects and the neutral theory of biodiversity. Functional Ecology 20: 509-513.
4. Shu-Rong Zhou, Gang Wang. 2006. One large, several medium or many small? Ecological Modelling 191: 513-520.
5. Shu-Rong Zhou*, Wan-tong Li, Gang Wang. 2006. Persistence and global stability of positive periodic solutions of three species food chains with omnivory. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 324: 397u2013408.
6. Shu-Rong Zhou, Ya-Feng Liu, Gang Wang. 2005.The stability of prey-predator systems subject to the Allee effects. Theoretical Population Biology 67:23-31.
7. Shu-Rong Zhou, Chang-zhong Liu, Gang Wang. 2004. The competitive dynamics of metapopulations subject to the Allee-like effect. Theoretical Population Biology 65: 29-37.
8. Shu-Rong Zhou, Gang Wang. 2004. Allee-like effects in metapopulation dynamics. Mathematical Bioscience 189:103-113.